Short Stories
These are my published short stories. A complete list, including reprints and translations, can be found on the Short Stories page.
- Deep red (short suspense story): first published in Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine, Oct/Nov/Dec 2002 Issue (November, 2002)
- Conversation with a mechanical horse (fantasy novelette): first published in the Writers of the Future Anthology, Vol.XX (August 20th, 2004)
- Meeting the Sculptor (SF novelette): first published in the Writers of the Future Anthology, Vol.XXI (August 19th, 2005)
- Beans and marbles (short SF story): first published in Andromeda Spaceways, Issue 20 (August 31st, 2005)
- Diamond sharks (short SF story): first published in Leading Edge, Issue 55 (May, 2008)
- Dumb Son (short horror story): first published as podcast on Sniplits (November 18th, 2009)
- What happened while Don was watching the game (short fantasy story): first published in Big Pulp, Fall 2011 Issue (June, 2011)
- Prisoner of war (short horror story): first published in Space & Time Magazine (March, 2012)
- Trick or treat (short horror story): first published in Big Pulp, Fall 2012 issue (October, 2012)
- Mashup (short SF story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (January 25th, 2013)
- Diamanthaaien (short SF story): first published on (May 12th, 2014)
- A Cold Welcome (flash horror story): first published in Penumbra, Paranormal Adventures (October, 2014)
- A matter of mass (short SF story): first published in Chinese translation in the SF Comet Contest as 事关弥撒 (December 10th, 2014)
- The Frown (flash fantasy story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (June 20th, 2016)
- Frog Soup (flash SF story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (August 2nd, 2016)
- Queen of diamonds (SF novelette): first published in The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, Vol.II (November 6th, 2016)
- De Val van de Eremast (short SF story): first published in Wonderwaan (December 17th, 2016)
- A dragon's nature (flash fantasy story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (October 10th, 2017)
- Midnight on the Space Station Alcatraz (short SF story): first published in Catalysts, Explorers & Secret Keepers (Museum of Science Fiction) (November 9th, 2017)
- An oasis of amends (flash SF story): first published in Reckoning (December 21st, 2017)
- Bringing down the Mast (short SF story): first published in The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, Vol.III (January 31st, 2018)
- A right angle to here and now (flash SF story): first published in Factor Four Magazine, Issue 1 (March 28th, 2018)
- Resigned (flash SF story): first published in Galaxy`s Edge, Issue 33 (July 4th, 2018)
- The life and death of George Hayes (short SF story): first published in The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, Vol.IV (January 15th, 2019)
- Out Of The Bag (flash horror story): first published in Factor Four Magazine, Issue 4 (January 24th, 2019)
- A Fragment for Father (short fantasy story): first published in Galaxy`s Edge, Issue 37 (March, 2019)
- Een oase van herstel (flash SF story): first published in Edge.01 (March 2nd, 2019)
- Ashes to Ashes (flash fantasy story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (July, 2019)
- This is killing me (flash SF story): first published in Galaxy`s Edge (July 7th, 2019)
- The Last Rider of the Apocalypse (flash fantasy story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (October 14th, 2019)
- Loodrecht op hier en nu (flash SF story): first published in HSF, 2019/4 (December 28th, 2019)
- Pain Tolerance and Resistance to Corrosive Substances in Four Specimens of Exomalaclemys Oharensis (flash SF story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (January 17th, 2020)
- Summit Attempt (flash fantasy story): first published in Dreamforge Magazine (March 12th, 2020)
- Encroachment (flash SF story): first published in Little Blue Marble (May 4th, 2020)
- After We Buried The Hatchet (flash fantasy story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (May 8th, 2020)
- A Memory of the Future (flash SF story): first published in Reckoning (May 18th, 2020)
- Fragments Of A Falling-Out (short SF story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (November 27th, 2020)
- Pop And The Pirates (flash SF story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (March 17th, 2021)
- Echoes (flash horror story): first published in Short Circuit, #6 (May 27th, 2021)
- Pining For My Demons (flash horror story): first published on Daily Science Fiction (May 31st, 2021)
- De bekentenis van Bob Havers (short fantasy story): first published in HSF (August 5th, 2021)
- The Giant and the Thaumaturge (flash fantasy story): first published in Dreamforge Magazine (August 15th, 2021)
- All The Spiders (flash mainstream story): first published in Short Circuit, #8 (December 3rd, 2021)
- Driehoeksfusie (short SF story): first published in HSF (December 29th, 2021)
- The Allocution of Bob Hayward (short fantasy story): first published in Aurealis, 147 (February 5th, 2022)
- Dieprood (short horror story): first published by Meulenhoff Boekerij (May 31st, 2022)
- Yellow River Burial (short SF story): first published in Reckoning, Issue 7 (January 8th, 2023)