Free book!
Circumstances put me in possession of three extra author copies of Spark: A Creative Anthology, Vol.VIII, published by EG&J Press. Themed Monsters and Marvels and edited by Brian James Lewis, this anthology contains wonderful stories by Bo Balder, Michael Haynes, Alexis A. Hunter, Beth Cato, Marina J. Lostetter, and Tom Crosshill, among 29 others. The anthology also contains my flash ghost story A Cold Welcome.
I’m giving these three copies away. The price is a review, either on Amazon or as official review on a well-read English-language literary platform, preferably after actually having read the book, before May 31st.
Let me know in a comment or message that you’d like a copy, and where you would want to post a review. (And if not on Amazon, what your connection is with the platform you’d be posting on.) I’ll pick the proposal I like best, on entirely subjective criteria, and work out the details with you of shipping the book your way.
And yes, I’ll nag you for the review!
I’d love a copy and am willing to place a review on Goodreads and Amazon