
Man, I hope I never get jaded.

At the Writers of the Future workshop, I met some very prolific writers; not only did people like Anne McCaffrey (Pern!), Kevin J. Anderson (of Star Wars and Dune fame) and Jerry Pournelle (The Mote in God’s Eye and other great SF) make an appearance; more recent successes like force-of-nature Jay Lake and Australian giant Sean Williams showed up as well. What they have in common, even recent success Jay, is a relatively large quantity of published work.

Now I do mean to work on my writing career and get more stuff out there, but I already see one downside. If so much of one’s fiction gets published, it must become less and less thrilling to receive author copies.

All this to say: Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine may be a small magazine and Beans and marbles far from my best work, but seeing my story and name in print remains enough of a thrill to put me on a cloud for days.

If that ever wears off…

… it’ll be because I’ve become a successful author, and I won’t care anymore about missing the excitement… 🙂

And after all, Beans is only my fourth publication, if I don’t count the Deep red reprint on