Oh crap.
“That’s the risk a writer takes when targeting a specific market,” he said grown-uppedly, while inside all he wanted to do was shout out: “NOFFAIR!!”
My short science fiction story “Whatever Happened to Relativity?”, that deals with some of the more unexpected effects of near-c travel, is so silly even Andromeda Spaceways decided not to buy it. And I was so convinced it was perfect for them. Oh well, the second-round readers know best, I suppose:
I never really thought about this side of trying to reach the speed of light. Thanks, I'll never think of it in the same way again.
I have some doubts about the science of this, but it's nicely done.
Can't make up its mind whether it's going to be silly or straight, and winds up falling badly between the two.
It is considered bad form to enter a discussion with editors who’ve rejected one’s work, but I feel like shouting out: “Of course there are doubts about the science! Of course it’s silly as opposed to straight! No one in their right minds would even consider the possibility that this is a serious story with sound science!” And for those of you who aren’t familiar with the story (which includes absolutely everyone in the world): in “WHtR?”, the relativistic mass increase at near-c speeds is expressed by the two astronauts growing really, really fat… 😀
Worst part is: I have absolutely no idea where to send this next…