The Machine of Death was always right. Until one day it was wrong.
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About the Machine of Death
Machine of Death is an anthology series (including the sequel This Is How You Die in addition to the eponymous first volume), conceived by editors Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, and David Malki !, and inspired by an episode of Ryan’s Dinosaur Comics.
The premise of the Machine of Death – as discussed by the dinos in the comic – was as simple as it was inspiring: what if a machine existed that could predict, with infallible accuracy, your future cause of death from a sample of your blood? And even more deviously: what if these cause-of-death predictions were as cryptic as they were accurate? What if old age could mean being murdered by a mob of elderly psychopaths? If natural causes could refer to a koala dropping on your head? The possibilities were endless.
It turned out that more people than the three editors found this idea inspiring. The first book went on to become the #1 best-seller on Amazon shortly after its publication. The huge success and lingering inspiration prompted the editors to create a second anthology, which became This Is How You Die (2013).
The editors bought Friendly fire for the third anthology, but this book never materialized. Which is why it is now a self-published ebook.